Forgive me for stepping in here, but I believe that what RichM is saying and has been saying all along is that dominance is something that can be learned like reading and writing can be learned regardless of any predisposition. I believe that he was only making an analogy as he was clearly not saying that dyslexia and lack of dominance are the same, and I also do not believe he was being insulting at all and was just tiring of having to explain himself over and over and still being misunderstood. Let me quote: "An analogy is a comparison between two 'unlike' things (a subject and an analog) that nevertheless yeilds insight into the nature of the subject. For instance, he stopped as if he was a clock unwound. Here the subject is 'he', and the analog is 'clock'" -

So, for example, no one is saying that the 'he' in the above sentence is exactly like a 'clock', so therefore, RichM is not saying that dyslexia is exactly like dominance or the lack of dominance. He is only asking you to focus on the similarities and not the dissimilarities as it can be a learned behavior regardless of predisposition to the contrary.

I got into a similar predicament when I made the analogy of religion being like alcoholism on another website. Sure, there are differences, but I was only citing the similarities. Of course, that is an entirely different topic altogether.


by Peach on 2005 Dec 19 - 17:00 | reply to this comment right Peach, Exactly!

When Jonathon Swift wrote

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